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Preventing Cavities with Xylitol


Do you find yourself frustrated by reoccurring cavities? Many people look to Xylitol products to finally find a solution to becoming cavity free.  Xylitol is a sugar substitute, occurring naturally in the fibers of foods like berries and mushrooms, which just happens to prevent cavities as well.  Because Xylitol isn’t actually a sugar, it doesn’t feed the natural bacteria in our mouth. We get cavities, because the sugar we eat gives energy to the bacteria allowing it to multiply and increase the acid (PH balance) of our mouths. Thus, Xylitol prevents the bacteria growth that causes the acid attack on our teeth and promotes saliva, which is a natural tooth protector.  Cavity fighting Xylitol products include mouthwash, mints, toothpaste and gum. Because most of us are on the go all day and don’t always have access to our tooth brush and floss, Xylitol products become a convenient supplement for fighting cavities. Additionally, since Xylitol occurs naturally in foods and is produced in small amounts by the human body, it’s also safe.
Ask us for more information on how you can get some Xylitol samples or order Xylitol products

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