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dental crowns and veneers Dr. Brian Valle dds Dentist in Millersville maryland

Dental Crowns and Veneers

Transform Your Teeth! Are your teeth stained, cracked, or deteriorating? Damaged teeth can not only affect your oral health but can cause insecurity, discomfort, and other dental and health problems. The good news is, there are a variety of options such as dental crowns and veneers available to help transform your teeth and improve their appearance, as well as their ability to function.

Dental Implants

Implants are a permanent tooth replacement option for those who are ready to rid themselves of removable dentures. A false titanium root can be secured directly into your jaw bone and then a dental crown is placed on top of it. The porcelain fused to metal creates a strong bond that functions just like natural teeth.

Dental Crowns

Crowns are a dental cap that can be placed directly over your natural tooth to strengthen and improve the look of your smile. A crown restores your tooth to its best and strongest state and can last for many years when cared for properly. There are many different types of crowns which include: permanent crowns, temporary crowns, and ceramic crowns. The most common materials used to create crowns are ceramic or porcelain. To place a crown, the dentist will remove the portion of the decayed or damaged tooth and then cement the crown down; like a large, tooth shaped filling.


For those looking for a smile makeover and do not have damaged or decayed teeth, veneers would be the best solution. If the visible portion of your teeth are stained or chipped, then you can have porcelain veneers or composite veneers placed on your teeth. These veneers fully encase your natural teeth all the way from the tip of the tooth to the gum line.

At the office of Dr. Brian Valle, we care about your dental goals. The whole staff is dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. If you’d like to learn more about our dental crowns and veneers options near Severna Park and Millersville, MD, give our office a call today!

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(410) 987-9100


251 Najoles Road, Suite #J
Millersville, MD 21108


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