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Basic Dental Lingo

Basic Dental Lingo

Ever hear all those dental words being thrown around and feel out of the loop? Here is a guide to common dental terms that you may need to know.

Cuspid  Your teeth that come to a point (right next to your front teeth) are called cuspids. Sometimes they are called canines as well. Teeth that come to two points are called bicuspids.

Molar  Your back teeth behind your bicuspids.

Crown  The part of your tooth above the gum. (The visible part of your tooth).

Root  The part of your tooth in your gums.

Enamel  The hard surface of your teeth that protects the root of your tooth.

Gingivae  Another name for your gums.

Pulp   The soft inner structure of your tooth housing nerves and blood vessels.

Antiseptic  A chemical that can be applied to your mouth to destroy germs.

Aspirator  A straw like vacuum the dentist uses to suck all the saliva from your mouth.

Caries  Another name for a cavity.

Fluoride  A chemical that hardens your teeth and prevents tooth decay.

Labial and Lingual  Anything having to do with your lips or tongue respectively.

Mandible  Your lower jaw

Tartar  Bacteria on your teeth than can lead to periodontal disease.

Plaque  A sticky film that can form on the surface of your teeth that can turn into tartar.